About Us: A Disability Magazine that #ElevatesDisability

Pushliving.com Mission Statement: Change the Way People View and Include People with Disabilities in our World with An Online Disability Magazine, Inclusion Stock Images of Models with Disabilities and Wheelchair Accessible Travel Opportunities.

We will inspire people to travel, to see things differently, and to want to create change.
We will educate, enlighten and show the way while we transform the thoughts of what people can do, and of what people will expect us to be able to do.
We will affect what people are prepared to do to make the world “accessible to all”. 
So together, let’s tell the stories, provide the inspiration AND show the way.
Quotes Intrigue and Enlighten

Pushliving.com is an online Disability Magazine with a fascinating view of the people, places, and things that will intrigue and enlighten you. We will highlight the wheelchair friendly paths to inclusive travel destinations, magnificently accessible properties, and provide fabulous finds in our Mobility Store to bring along the way.

PUSH Living Concierge Travel is dedicated to inclusive tourism through education, advocacy, and accessibility information for the world’s best travel destinations.

PUSHLiving Photos provides a specialized stock photo library aiming to increase imagery of people with disabilities in the tourism, leisure and lifestyle mediums.

Deborah Davis has achieved a successful career in sales and marketing, training, educating, advocacy, mentoring and public speaking. She has extensive experience in developing and conducting training programs on disability awareness and the seamless inclusion of accessible facilities.

As Founder, Owner and the inspiration for PUSHLiving Enterprises. Deborah oversees the firm’s mandate to “push the boundaries of inclusive travel, design, and living.”

Deborah was involved in a car accident at age 18, sustaining a C6/7 spinal cord injury, resulting in incomplete quadriplegia. That, however, has not prevented her from living a fulfilling life as a business woman, a mother of two girls and an extensive world traveler. Indeed, as an active and accomplished individual, Deborah’s goal is to help create a world more inclusive for all individuals.

Over the course of more than two decades, her career has spanned from roles serving as an Independent Contractor, with roles specializing in medical equipment and supplies sales and marketing, Americans with Disabilities Act consulting and training, professional fundraiser for Not for Profits, and as a Director of Development and Public Relations, and Executive Director for Abilities of Florida.

Based in Miami, Davis earned a Bachelors of Business Administration in Finance from the University of Miami. Among professional affiliations and community service positions, she was appointed to the Brain & Spinal Cord Injury Board for the State of Florida, served as President of the Business Coalition for Americans with Disabilities, was a Board Member and VP of the Florida Rehabilitation Association, and a member of The National Society of Fund Raising Executives.

Deborah is an accomplished public speaker and facilitator. She can tailor a presentation to your needs to cover all aspects of Accessible Tourism and Inclusion, as well as General Disability Awareness and Education and Inspiration, whether it is a keynote address, a workshop or management or board training session.

Founder: Deborah Davis

Deborah Davis Speaker and Business Owner with a Disability
Recent Speaking and Media Appearances:

“Request Deborah as a Speaker for your Event.”

If you are interested in working with Deborah as a speaker, trainer, consultant or to discuss other interesting proposals, you can contact her on Facebook, Twitter or use the form below: