
The ROLLIN RN Tackles Depression: Its Effects on our Family Members

No series on spinal cord injury would be complete without an article on depression.  But there are many articles on…

Enrich Your Life by Building a Social Network of Friends, Lovers and Colleagues

Finding a Support Network for Love, Friendship and Business Goals! Today as I was riding my handcycle, I listened to…

How to Transform your Health – with Nutrition, Fitness and Gratitude

Certified Nutritional Practitioner, Ariane Labelle shares her top five secrets to feeling more energized and controlling weight. Let’s face it, in…

Learning to Find your Authentic Self Vs. your “False Self”

Most of us present different sides of ourselves depending on the situation. People would generally not make jokes and say…


Oh no.....the dreaded reddened skin.  You know what I'm talking about.  Sitting too long, getting ready for bedtime, undressing, and…

FIT, FABULOUS, AND PYLELO……OH, NO!!!! The What, How and Why of Kidney Infections

Urinary tract infections or UTIs, we are all plagued with these obnoxious occurrences.  Most of us are using a urinary…

How to Improve Your Life: Why you May Want to Consider Seeing a Therapist

Therapy Basics:  While most people have a basic understanding of what therapy is or why one might seek it out,…

Save your Spine! Two Woman Facing Surgery due to Damage post SCI

Erin and I first became acquainted, professionally, when she contacted me to purchase stock images from my company PhotoAbility.net for…

The Rollin RN Helps to Solve the Mystery of Stool Color

Fit, Fabulous, and the Mystery of Stool color? As I have said many times before, when I write these articles…

Unresolved Anger: How constructive expression has physical and psychological benefits

Anger is an emotion that has received a bad rap. As children, many of us were told, “If you don’t…

Fit, Fabulous, and the Power of Protein

Protein and spinal cord injuries: how much protein do we really need and why?  This article is not just for…

Ask Nurse Patty: Do you have any tips for cathing by touch?

Question: I am a T3 Complete. My accident happened a year ago. I am continuing on my journey to become independent.…