
Walking Does Not Define Happiness

Every article I have written so far has had a purpose. A gained insight for the reader. That is, and…

How Expensive Is It To Be Paralyzed Anyway?

What is the cost of paralysis? Talk about a loaded question!  By the time you're done reading this article you…

Love in a “DISABLED” World: What we as human beings can look past in order find the beauty within another individual.

Loving a disabled partner Last week I was on one of my spinal cord injury Facebook groups and I was…

“An Engagement to Remember”

I was staring at a blank page while thinking how to write the perfect article on how I got engaged…

Miraculous Paralysis Recovery Specialist Ken Bryant – Is He for Real?

Ken Bryant “Paralysis Recovery Specialist” Who is this Ken guy you ask? And what in the world is a PRS?…

Feelings & Why It’s Important to Express Them

Not exactly sure how things got to be this way, but it is clear as day that we live in…

Wheelchair Air Travel – “Quad” Style

Once upon a time, a Fairy God Mother pulled up to the Delta departure gate in a pumpkin-colored chariot to…

Spinal Cord Injury Cure Research: What is NEW and Hopeful

”Unease, anxiety, tension, stress, worry – all forms of fear – are caused by too much future, and not enough…

Cruise Ship Adventures & Wheelchairs – Lessons Learned

Several months ago my boyfriend and I were set to celebrate our two-year anniversary of being together. We wanted to…

Rivalry and Hatred of a Disabled Sibling

A couple of months ago, my friend made a post in a muscular dystrophy support group. Her post was a…

The Ancient Philosophers were on to Something – Overcoming Negative Emotions

There are periods in anyone’s life, but especially in a quadriplegics life, that can be filled with darkness, despair, and…

WOW: Woman on Wheels Fueling Empowerment

Historically, women have been denied access to old-boy business networks that fostered connections, commerce, and prosperity. The Jaycees spent a…