PUSHLiving Podcast 011 | Beauty Born w/out Limbs Bullied Mercilessly, Now Singing and Dancing to Joy

I met Jennifer Lynn Adams while on a panel for woman w disabilities at the PUSH Nation Fest held in Tampa in April 2016.

She is a beautiful young woman with gorgeous natural red hair that softly curls down her shoulders, the most beautiful porcelain skin, and large luminous hazel eyes. We got to know each other rather quickly after a brief introduction, just before we were to appear on stage together for a woman’s panel I was moderating.

PUSH Nation Fest 2016 with from right Tiffany Carlson, Jennifer Lynn Adams, and Deborah Davis

I was very moved by her openness and willingness to share with the hundreds of attendees the hopes and dreams for her life and the purpose she felt was her destiny.

This is what you will learn even more about via this powerful recorded interview.

You may also want to know that she was born without arms or legs due to congenital limb loss that affected all four limbs. She uses a wheelchair for mobility, but she states “is not confined to the chair as I can be mobile independent of the chair. ”

You will learn the powerful story of how she came to be raised in her adoptive family to think nothing was impossible, yet how this innocent and carefree little girl then faced the most brutal bullying once she was part of the public school system in middle school. How this and darker and deeply painful incidences to come affected her psyche and physical health and how she has found the strength to use these experiences to fight back, not only for her self-esteem that others tried to take from her but for others who may find themselves in this situation.

She did this by running for and winning Ms. Wheelchair Washington and then America in 2014 were anti-bullying became her message.

She also earned her BA in psychology with a minor in vocal performance and a Masters in counseling.

She has parlayed this into speaking at schools and as a writer of several books.

She also founded a nonprofit Making Dreams Come True which provides adventure opportunities and resources to people with extra-abilities by organizing sports adventures through partnerships with various adaptive sports programs.

She is also a dancer, and while many might find it hard to imagine how someone with no feet or hands can dance, well, you must follow her as she gives us all an example of how movement, can be celebrated

You will learn her breathtaking story of how she know found herself moving to South Florida and reestablishing herself after arriving with only enough money for one month’s rent!

Lastly, we will discuss her future hopes and dreams and if dating and love will find a way into her busy schedule!

Website: www.jenniferlynnadams.com

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/sparkly79able

Go Fund Me: https://www.gofundme.com/fly-jennifer-to-americas-got-talent-2wgghb8

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jennifer.l.adams.31

Instagram: @jenniferlynnadams

Twitter: MWA2014


