PUSHLiving Comic Strip: High Top Tables Suck

‘No, Really.’ is a humor-with-heart comic strip series on PUSHLiving.com by artist/disability advocate Jennifer Latham Robinson about life with a disability. 

New High Top Tables Trend In The Restaurants Nowadays

If you take a close look at the restaurant these days, you will be able to notice that multiple restaurants are inspired by the high top tables trend. You find a high top table in the dining area of almost every restaurant.

Why People With Disabilities Feel That This Trend Sucks?

This high top tables trend grasps the attention of many folks but it is awfully terrible for the people who are physically disabled.  People who are stuck in a wheelchair find it way too hard to have their meal on the high top table because of its great height. If a disabled person goes out to such restaurants that only offer high top table, then the partner who comes along with the disabled person finds it way too difficult to feed the person who is stuck in a wheelchair because of the great height difference between the wheelchair and high top table. These high top tables suck since the height of the tables is way too high and the disabled people feel embarrassed because they are sitting downwards due to the different height of the table and wheelchair. It becomes extremely difficult for The people with any physical disability to hang out in such restaurants which do not cater the needs of a disabled person. The disable people feel  very frustrated, disappointed and annoyed when they are not treated the same way as the normal people are treated

I tend to simultaneously deal with the struggle in two ways: to really dive into the deep, dark emotion with music, and then with humor.  That’s where the comic strip comes in. “No, Really.” is that moment after you tell a joke that is, at its heart, a story of genuine struggle.  That’s the kind of humor that I enjoy most.

Jennifer’s Art is now available for purchase!  Do you want another strip not shown, we can custom make for you. 



Jennifer Latham Robinson: Jennifer Latham Robinson is an author, artist, musician, advocate, and entrepreneur with a passion for exploring the disability experience through her work. Since 1999 she’s been working with medical facilities to improve the experience for people new to limb loss. Jennifer was born with a birth anomaly called bilateral femoral focal deficiency, where the hips and legs do not completely form. She has alternated between using a prosthesis, a wheelchair, and crutches, since she was two years old. Jennifer lives in Durham, North Carolina with her husband, two amazing daughters, a dog, two guinea pigs, and a fish. Their favorite family activity is listening to records while creating art together at the dinner table. Her disability art www.jenniferlathamrobinson.com Her dolls www.outsiderdolls.com Her wearable art www.ditchframe.com